Home / Entertainment / Sexy / Video: 9 Different Types Of Hugs That Will Make You Understand Your Relationship


The common denominator when it comes to giving hugs is the comfort. Why? Well, as much as we'd like to think that hugs are just magic for making you feel better on their own, there is actually a scientific reason for why we hug: the pressure placed on the nerves in your body that happens when you receive a hug relaxes you – biologically. 

But we also have to remember, there are many different types of hugs. We may know why people hug at all, but what you may not know is what different hugs actually communicate to the person you are hugging. 

Whether it's between friends, family or couples – every hug means something different. 

Hand placements, body language and eye contact are all aspects that factor into these different messages...

Watch the video to see and, hey, you might just find out what someone is trying to tell you!

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