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'Never Have I Ever' can be a pretty fun game and an easy way to get to know someone (and dig up their dirty secrets at the same time). Sometimes though, it can be dangerous because it changes the way you look at people... the good girl you thought stayed at home all the time may just be the bad girl who never got caught.

If you have never played this before (excuse the pun) its pretty simple. You give each player ten points and players start with "Never have I ever" and they say something that they haven't done. The people who have done it lose one point and once a player loses all ten points, they are out of the game. It gets even more intense when you add alcoholic beverages and it quickly becomes clear which one of your friends is the most... out there.

It gets even better when Ellen plays the game with the biggest celebrities, exposing the skeletons in their closets – you will find out the most surprising things about celebs you never thought they were capable of doing.

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