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Video: Challenge Of The Day: Do Not Yawn 2

Video: Challenge Of The Day: Do Not Yawn 3

They really weren't kidding when they said yawning is contagious. In fact, this is the third time I've yawned since finishing the video. think of it as an experiment that tests the human brain. It proves that even just repeatedly hearing the word "yawn" will make you yawn.

Yawning can be such a satisfying feeling but could also be considered rude so make sure your boss isn't around when you watch this. Trying to hold back a yawn makes your throat tight and your eyes water and seems like it takes so much effort. However, this isn't specific to only humans. It actually has an important function for pack animals.

There is a very sneaky trick that experts can use to assess whether someone has a neurological disorder that results in the person having a lack of empathy such as schizophrenia or autism. If the investigator or psychiatrist yawns (obviously without even hinting to it) and the patient does not, it could suggest a disorder if it is combined with other warning signs.

We challenge you to watch this video without yawning! Let us know if you were able to stop yourself from yawn and if not, how many times did you yawn?

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