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Video: Flushing Toxic Rumours Away 3

Video: Flushing Toxic Rumours Away 4

Adam ruins everything – or does he really just expose everything?

In this particular episode from Colledge Humor, Adam takes a hilariously informative stab at detoxing. Now, we aren't saying that what you are doing is wrong or that you should stop looking after your health – but here are the facts.

Juice cleanses and detoxing are buzz words that have been flying around the beauty and health industries over the past few years. They claim that your body is full of toxins and that you need to remove the dangerous little buggers in order to be healthy. There are many different things that are offered on the market that claim to do this for you. Remember those foot pads that suck the toxins out your feet. Yuk. But do they really work? 

Adam exposes the footpad as a hoax, showing that it is actually color changing fabric when exposed to any moisture. Even the steam room doesn't help because sweat is mostly water, it serves no detox purpose.

Even colon-cleansing is more dangerous than effective. So there's no need to blast litres of water up there ever again.

The most effective way to truly clean your body is to not overindulge on anything, even too much vitamin C can be toxic. But don't freak out. It's your internal organs (liver, kidneys and lungs) job to flush the unnecessary or "toxic" things out of your body. 

So there you have it, what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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