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In case you've been living under a rock (and haven't had a woman in your life complaining about it), you know that having boobs comes with a bunch of annoying baggage. 

Sure, it's a lovely bonus feature if you're the guy staring at them. But for those who actually have boobs – you'll know that it makes every daily activity more complicated than it is for men.

Working out? You try to go for a jog when your boobs are hitting you in the face every time you take a step.

Having a conversation? Try to endure one when the guy you're talking to has obviously forgotten you have a face. It's as if they think you're a pair of boobs with legs – which they've probably checked out as well.

Being a guy, you hear women complain about this all the time – and you never quite understand how they could be so unhappy with these magical, mysterious and beautiful artworks they have on their chest.

But if men had boobs and the baggage they bring? Well, watch and see...

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