Home / Entertainment / Wtf / Video: People Get A Bit Buzzed On Boozy Cereal!


So I have no idea how we haven't heard of this but, apparently, Texas is pretty big with something called "boozy cereal".

Yes – it's exactly what it sounds like. It's cereal with different types of alcohol mixed in. Even with the milk!

A girl in her office, from Texas, asked around and realised that nobody had ever heard of this boozy cereal, and decided to give them a fun breakfast surprise. 

Different "recipes" are used with various cereals and various different kinds of booze. The responses are pretty mixed – some don't mind the breaki with a twist, while others can't handle vodka quite so early in the morning!

But the real experiment stands: can one get drunk on boozy cereal? Because no one wants to start their hangover at the office midday. 

Watch and see how people react to the boozy cereal and how they end up after the meal!

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