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Video: The Suicide Of Logan Paul's Youtube Career 3

Video: The Suicide Of Logan Paul's Youtube Career 4

Video: The Suicide Of Logan Paul's Youtube Career 5

Its come to the day and age where people can now earn money and get famous from posting things on YouTube. In the past couple of years, there has been an explosion of new YouTubers trying to make their mark and get famous. They post things ranging from crazy pranks to short comedy skits and one of the well-known YouTubers, Logan Paul, got into a whole world of trouble due to his crazy stunt.

But what kind of stunt can be so bad that people would literally demand his entire account being taking down?

It all starts in Japan in a place known as "The Suicide Forest". Its real name is Aokigahara, which roughly translates as the Sea of Trees, but it get's its very eery name because been labelled as the best place to commit suicide. In fact, over 100 people per year go to the forest to commit suicide. It is therefore hardly the place to pull stunts for the world to see and make fun videos but rather a place to reflect, mourn and show respect.

Apparently, Logan Paul did not hold the same view and instead decided to set out on a camping trip to the forest to see whether it was haunted. On arrival, they actually stumbled across the body of a man who had hung himself. But instead of turning off the camera out of respect, he continued to video, showing the hanging body. But it gets worse because he then proceeded to walk up to the body and film it up close, only blurring out the man's face.

Keeping in mind that his viewers are mostly between the ages of 8 and 14, this is hardly the type of content you to expose young people to. Although fingers have also been pointed at the YouTube team for their lack of control over the content that is posted on the site, this is not the first time Logan Paul has run into trouble. The beginning of his YouTube career resulted in video's that got him fired from the Disney show he was starring in due to his increasingly reckless behaviour. 

After the tsunami of criticism that hit his career, we can't help but think perhaps, despite his poor lack of judgement, it could have been a ploy to put himself in the limelight. As they say, any publicity is good publicity! However, Logan Paul has made numerous public and social media apologies for the video and has temporarily put off any other social media activity.

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