Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: The Weirdest Reasons Girls Cried On Their Period


Okay, before we make any judgements here, let's make one thing clear: when a girl is on her period, she LITERALLY has no control over her body, her mind or her emotions. When it's that time of the month, there is absolutely no logic or rational reasoning for what you do during that week or so. 

I mean, what rational person eats that much, shouts so loud or cries about a burrito being beautiful?

No one. Because there is nothing rational about being on your period. You are a completely different girl when you're on your period – and sometimes that person cries at the weirdest and DUMBEST things.

Don't ask us why we're crying about no one petting our dogs – because we have no fucking clue why we're doing it either.

The girls in this video tell us the DUMBEST reasons they have ever cried while being on their period.

It's HILARIOUS – but trust me... not completely out of the ordinary!

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