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Video: The Whistle That Will Haunt Your Nightmares For The Rest Of Your Life! 2

Video: The Whistle That Will Haunt Your Nightmares For The Rest Of Your Life! 3

As if regular horror movies weren't enough, short horror films are somehow ten times worse. Maybe it's the constant tension and lack of backstory but one thing we can advise is that you don't watch this video with a drink in your hand because it will go flying!!

The creepy music only serves as a small bit of creepy when compared to the costumes and makeup on the set of this horror clip.  It is set in a dark, eery, deserted street whilst a young man is trying to walk home but pauses when he hears a weird whistling noise. 

The next thing you know a weird clawed creature is popping out the dark and your coffee is going flying and your brain is like "OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING".

He runs away and just when you think he gets to safety, whistle whistle, "Oh crap". This clawed creature is going to star in my next nightmare!!!

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