Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: Things Not To Say To Someone With Ginger Hair


When you think about it, it's really odd that people think of people with ginger hair as being a completely different species. They are constantly asked questions about themselves solely based on the colour of their hair. And that's quite strange.

Because it's not often that you hear someone asking a brunette if they have a certain attitude towards life, or asking a blonde if they enjoy the sun.

But, as it turns out, being asked if you have ginger pubes and a fiery temper is a common hazard for people with ginger hair.

We've all heard the question "Does the carpet match the drapes?" asked towards a ginger person, but never to people with different colour hair?

I mean with all the hair colour trends going around, I'm surprised no one has gone to someone with bright purple hair and asked the same question!

In this video, ginger people tell us exactly what not to ask or say to them – because I can imagine they're all pretty sick of it now!

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