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When you first start dating a guy, you haven't quite had the chance to dig into his brain and find out what he's actually thinking. Instead, you end up listening to him talk, not knowing what he actually means when he's saying it, and giving answers that are probably not helping either of you.

Like when I guy says, "How are you single?"

What the hell does that mean? Is it a compliment? Is he saying I'm so amazing it's crazy that I'm single? Or is he really just trying to get me to list the reasons why no one else will date me??

Who fucking knows??

That's why you need a 'Manslator' in this kind of scenario – someone who tells you what he actually means when he is talking in cryptic language throughout the entire date.

In this video, we have that Manslator! So if you're a girl who's constantly trying to figure your date out – this might just help you!

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