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15 Things You Didn't Know About VERSACE 2

Founded in 1978 by Gianni Versace, the Italian luxury fashion company is now run by his sister, Donatella Versace, who took over as creative director after her brother's murder in 1997.

Versace was murdered by spree killer Andrew Cunanan, who used the same gun to commit suicide on a houseboat eight days later. Cunanan was obsessed with the designer, and often bragged about his close "friendship" with Versace, although this was symptomatic of Cunanan's delusions of grandeur: He often falsely claimed to have met celebrities.

If you already knew that then here are some other things about Versace you probably didn't know and check out the video below for 10 more.

1) The Versace logo features the head of Greek mythological figure, Medusa. The Versace children used to play on the ruins of Roman buildings, the Medusa head was carved on the floor of one of these ruins, this image stuck with Gianni, he eventually chose this image because she made people fall in love with her and they had no way back.

2) The Palazzo Versace hotels are the first hotels to be branded by a fashion house, the fashion house was approached to design a hotel in 1997 and the first Palazzo Versace opened in Australia in 2000. After the company was sold, more Palazzo Versace's were built in Dubai and Macau.

3) Just a decade after it was established, the Versace fashion empire was worth $800+ million.

4) The brand has collaborated with Lamborghini, a helicopter manufacturer and high-street outlrry, H&M.

5) Versace's 1st boutique outside of Italy wasn't in London or Paris, it was in Glasgow. The Scottish city hosted the first Versace boutique outside of Italy in 1991. It closed in 2005 while the fashion house looked for new premises in the countries capital, Edinburgh. Versace now has 80 Boutiques around the world.


Incase you were wondering, this is the correct way to say 'Versace' :

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