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Eating on plates is a normal thing that we tend to take for granted. What happens if you don't actually have a plate?

Well, have no fear! These restaurants showed us that there is still hope and you don't even need a plate! Just when you think life gets boring, using a wine glass for salad and a shot glass for salad dressing becomes a trend. Not only can you have cake in a mug, you can also have salad in a plastic slurpy cup... yikes. Don't like your cocktail with swirly sticks and fancy straws? No problem! have it in a frying basket out of a plastic bag rahter!

Out of plates and don't feel like washing? Just use the dog's bowl, and I'm sure the dog will even lick it clean for you afterward. Dinner and a bit of a skateboard anyone?

If you are sick of the wallpaper in your room, invest in some flavored wallpaper which could keep you entertained for hours, just make sure you don't share because... gross.

Check out more of these weird and wacky ways of eating without a plate, or bowl, or anything remotely normal!

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