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Imagine getting into a Lyft car in Miami and your driver is none other than the Bad Boy himself, Will Smith.

That’s exactly what happened when some writers were asked to get into a Lyft car so that they could test new technology with the idea of writing an article about it.

And that’s exactly what they were not in for.

The actor posted a video of him driving around Miami with the surprised passengers on his YouTube channel recently.

From face timing one passenger’s girlfriend to prove that it really is Will Smith, to another passenger being taught how to interrogate a potential criminal next to the road – Will ensured a joyride.

One of our favourites was the woman who didn’t hesitate to throw a couple of F-bombs around when Will tried to teach her about acting like a Bad Boy. Make sure you keep your eyes on Will’s face when she drops the first one. He clearly wasn’t expecting that.

Well-mannered Alex also received some tips from Will on how to act like a Bad Boy.

"Hey, Bad Boys don’t ask no questions, Alex. You’re supposed to be snatching my ass about this thing."

Besides giving the writers free Lyft rides for a year, he also got them to re-enact a scene from Bad Boys, the movie with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. The writers gave Will a five-star rating in return.

Watch the Will Smith video below for a good laugh.

Image credit: People

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