Home / Funny / Animals / Japan Introduces Miniature Furniture For Cats


Over the years, designers have made some cute inventions for our furry friends. A new range of modern cat furniture has proved that furniture design for our fluffy friends is a growing trend. Think cat-sized cardboard landmarks, Tetris cat towers, and even a new line of IKEA pet furniture

A new collection by Japanese designer, Okawa Kagu, has brought us pet-friendly designs. It's designed to make our furry friends feel like the kings and queens they are.

The new "craftsman MADE" campaign has been created for a reason. To reinvigorate the once-prosperous craft industry of Japan's Fukuoka prefecture region. 

With the internet's love for cats, Okawa Kagu thought it best to merge that love with the skills of local artisans. Production took existing full-scale designs and down-sized them to bring a new collection to the world. This miniature version of furniture is produced in high quality and will satisfy even the fussiest of felines.

The collection of miniatures is made out of pinewood and is designed and produced by 
Hiromatsu Furniture. A dark wood cat bed has also been created by Tateno Mokuzai.

You can view the pieces at 
Okawa Terrazza, where each product is available through the respective manufacturers.

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