Home / Funny / Animals / Mini Cockapoo Puppy Turns Out To Be The Size Of A Baby Rhino


A furry friend owner, Tiffany Kingdon, received quite a surprise with her new puppy. 

Recently, Tiffany chatted with 'This Morning' hosts Alison Hammond and Dermot O'Leary. She revealed that the miniature cockapoo puppy she adopted turned out to be not so "miniature". 

Tiffany bought her cockapoo, Winnie, for £2,000 when she was a tiny puppy. Winnie weighed 4.6kg at 11 weeks old and wasn't supposed to grow much more as it was said that she was a miniature breed. However, Tiffany soon discovered that that was not the case for Winnie. Now, just over a year old, Winnie is a whopping 32kg, which is the same size as a baby rhino.

Mini Cockapoo Puppy Turns Out To Be The Size Of A Baby Rhino 2

Tiffany and her partner, Liam, soon realised that they have been scammed when they tried to get in touch with the breeder and their messages keep bouncing back. 

She continued that "We budgeted and worked out we could afford a little dog, but she eats so much food! But I wouldn't change her for the world. We went to the breeder and saw Winnie, and thought, 'Oh my gosh, we have got to have her'. She looked like a normal cockapoo, fairly small. We saw the mum, a cocker spaniel. We had paperwork, she was microchipped, it all seemed very genuine."

Mini Cockapoo Puppy Turns Out To Be The Size Of A Baby Rhino 3

According to Tiffany, the breeder told them that Winnie's father was a miniature poodle. 

"It was a shock. I was going on Facebook and saying, 'Does anyone else have a cockapoo this big?'" 

Winnie's growth became apparent when she was six months old. Her legs got longer and longer. "'Buy a miniature Cockapoo', they said. 'It will be fun', they said. Then she turned into a Shetland pony, but I love her so much."

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