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Humans have long dreamed of colonising Mars. So far, the main obstacle seems to be in the area of ​​technology. From building spacecraft to travel to setting up camps to growing food, sending people to Mars is challenging on many levels.  A study by researchers at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, aimed to find out how many people it would take for a Martian colony to thrive, and what personality types It was not expected to reveal whether it applies to humans. It wouldn't work well on the red planet. The researchers ran several 28-year simulations to find the ideal number of colony members to maximise their chances of survival. Unlike previous studies that required 110 people for a self-sustaining colony, they envisioned an already established Martian community that locally produced or sourced electricity, food, air and water. In their model, the colony would receive supplies from Earth on a regular basis, and after the death of its members, new people would come in to keep everything running efficiently. 

We humans aren't all the same, so they established her four personality types to see how their interactions form a community. There were also "Agreeables" who lacked competitiveness and aggression. "Social", extroverted people who need interaction. A person with a 'reactive' or 'competitive interpersonal orientation' and an 'obsession with a rigid routine'. And finally, the “nervous,” those who are aggressive, competitive, and unable to cope with boredom and change.

Simulation Finds One Personality Type That Will Not Do Well On Mars 2
To determine that number to account for accidents and lack of resources, they gave each member of the colony a life bar to use up. After running a simulation, he concluded that the minimum number of people needed to sustain a colony was 22. However, it was also found that neurotic patients had a much higher mortality rate than other patients. "The main new phenomenon observed occurs in the depopulation of Mars," the research team explained. "Although colony members are similarly likely to be affected by lack of colonisation resources, habitat accidents, and shipwrecks on Earth, Martians with a 'neurotic' psychology are more likely to be affected than Martians with any other psychology. They also die at a much higher rate.” 

Besides, the fewer nervous patients in the colony, the better. "Martians with neurotic psychology and high coping skills benefit the least from interactions with other Martians and are most punished when their coping skills are low. This influence is the driving force behind Mars' depopulation, and once minimised or eliminated, could lead to stable colonisation. " 

This is just a theory, but it does provide a compelling explanation as to why people with "nervous" personalities struggle to survive in the stressful environment of an alien community where much is at stake. I am having an argument. Still, insights like this will certainly help find the ideal crew for future missions. No matter how much technology advances, it is humans who operate it.

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