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Video: Frankenstein Designs Shoes For Crocs? 4

So we thought Crocs were bad but, apparently, people were surprisingly ok with them because of the insane levels of comfort and foot ventilation. Then, Crocs come out with a platform shoe that looks somewhat similar to that of two Crocs stuck together. They even made the Paris Fashion week runway paired with long, airy dresses for spring. Although it may seem like a fashion faux pas, they sold out within the first day of being released – at a whopping $850!

Seeing that Crocs are literally just foam and plastic, it seems like a bit of an exorbitant price, aside from the fact that bright yellow may not match most of the outfits in your wardrobe, unless you happen to dress like a 6-year-old. At 10cm tall, they look remarkably similar to a pair of shoes that Frankenstein would wear and their success has been a shock for many, including the hundreds of critics that mocked the shoes when they first appeared on the Paris Fashion Week Runway on October 1. In case you were worried, the platforms still have the colourful pins including rainbows, stars and flowers on them.

In 2016, fashion guru, Christopher Kane, similarly ventured into the realm of rubber shoes, sending models down the runway in Crocs with animal prints and colourful pins. "I always work with unexpected items and combinations, transforming the everyday into desirable luxury," Kane said at the time. "I wanted to bring my own stamp and DNA to Crocs' classic clog and achieve something really special." He added: "Crocs are arguably the most comfortable shoe, and I love that they are slightly awkward and might be perceived by some as 'ugly'. They have a very naïve and childlike shape which I especially like when they look extra clunky on the foot."

Hmmm, not sure we would use the word "luxury" to describe them but hey, whatever floats your boat. Safiya Nygaard decided to try them for herself and gave a pretty honest review, What do you think?

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