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Video: Friday The 13th, Where Bad Luck Comes To Haunt You 2

Video: Friday The 13th, Where Bad Luck Comes To Haunt You 3

There are so many movies depicting the horrors of Friday the 13th, it's no wonder people are having anxiety attacks and refuse to leave their houses. But, how did these superstitions even begin? Now while you are unlikely to be attacked by a hockey-mask-wearing killer – unless you are camping perhaps – Friday the 13th is often seen as a day of misfortune for some people. The fear is so common, it even has its own name: "Paraskevidekatriaphobia", and has been estimated to cost businesses up to £585m.

People who are scared of Friday the 13 might not be as crazy as we think – for example, the rapper, Tupac, died on a Friday 13 in 1996, and Kitty Genovese was murdered while a crowd of people stood and watched. There are many theories as to the origins of the superstition dating all the way back to the biblical days where it was believed that Jesus Christ was crucified on a Friday and Judas Iscariot was the 13th guest at the Last Supper. Superstition around the date also stems from the negativity associated with number 13. A story from Norse mythology also says that a dinner party was once ruined by Loki, whose appearance plunged the world into darkness and led to the death of a God called Balder. Loki was the 13th guest at the gathering.

Some hotels even skip the number completely, meaning that they will number their floors 12 and 14, skipping out 13 entirely. 12 is seen to be a complete number as there were 12 Gods of Olympus and 12 hours of the clock, there are also 12 months in a year and the equivalent number of signs in the Zodiac, as well as 12 Apostles of Jesus. And, you need 13 witches to form a coven (so we hear).

There are many weird superstitions that strikes fear into people's hearts or even put them at ease. Check out the video below for some of the strangest superstitions from around the world.

Do you believe in any superstitions?

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