Steve Glover, otherwise known as Steve-O, is the famous actor/stuntman who made a name for himself from that insane show called Jackass. He is known as this crazy, eccentric personality with a winning smile. He has also recently become an animal rights activist, turning to a fully vegan diet and refusing to wear leather or fur. He features farm sanctuaries on his show to raise awareness.
Steve-O was filming his new mountaineering series for Youtube in Peru but the series took an unexpected turn when he decided to try and adopt a street dog. At first, it didn't go so well and none of the dogs wanted anything to do with him. His persistence paid off when one particular dog decided to adopt him. It was love at first sight and the dog followed him everywhere.
She featured in the rest of the series and Steve-O renamed her "Wendy", taking her everywhere he went. He even slept with her in a tent on the first night as the hotel did not allow dogs. This story of friendship and love os one of the cutest we have ever seen! Check out the adventures of Wendy and Steve-O in the clip below.