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Video: The Baby Secret Service (no Pictures Please) 2

Video: The Baby Secret Service (no Pictures Please) 3

Celebrities feel the need to employ bodyguards because fans can get a bit cray-cray, and political leaders may not have the same views as extremist crazy citizens who might try something clever. Throughout history, bodyguards have been an imperative part of public figures and, generally, wear fancy black suits with black glasses and earpieces. A pretty standard uniform.

But, what if the roles were reversed and toddlers had bodyguards?

Well, this guy decided to test the theory. The result is two grown men calling a baby "sir" and running after him. There were also many confused parents and onlookers who took the opportunity to take photos of the bizarre situation but were promptly stopped by the bodyguards.

They call themselves the 'baby security detail' and they take their jobs VERY seriously. It, of course, involves checking the integrity of the jungle gym – which is hilarious when watching two grown men on a jungle gym– as well as neutralising the threat of cyclists trying to overtake by introducing them to a swimming lesson. Funny!

Check out the video and let us know what you would think if you saw this?

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