Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: When Will The Horrors Of Clickbait End!?!


We hate YouTube clickbait! It is the disease of the internet and generally starts with; "You won't believe this!" or "I nearly died!" and its become such a problem that even Facebook is taking measures against it. It's literally an attention seeking ploy to get more views. People have started a hashtag called #StopClickBait and expose what really happens in the story without people having to actually click on the video.

And don't even get us started on the thumbnails!

Most of the time, as we well know as gatherers of content from the internet ourselves, it ends in disappointment and probably irritation... but that won't stop the guilty individuals. The audience got sick of their nonsense and even made memes roasting YouTubers that use clickbait to get attention and it's pretty brutal!

This needs to stop and if you are guilty of this, we will find you and expose you!

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