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In a fascinating world map called ‘International Number Ones’, designer David McCandless of Information is Beautiful illustrated interesting facts of countries all over the world. “Because every country is the best at something,” McCandless took his talents and the correct data to display what each country is best at. And when you study the map, it all makes perfect sense.

World Map Reveals What Each Country Is The Best With 2

Some countries have impressive skills and are the best in some impressive thing. For example, Denmark is the best with their wind power, Austria has the best paid time off, Panama has the best retirement and Uruguay has some of the best farmlands. But, there are some countries who’s ‘better’ activities are super hilarious. Greece has the best cheese eaters, while Norway has the best Pizza eaters. United States are better in spam emails. If you are looking for improve your positivity, you might consider moving to Paraguay. And if you really enjoy your whiskey and looking to find some friends to drink away, visit France as they have the best whiskey drinkers in the world.

World Map Reveals What Each Country Is The Best With 3

Being the number one at something isn’t necessarily a compliment, as some of the facts shows that many countries are the “best” when it comes to issues that are morally reprehensible.

However, then again, there are some countries who seem to be the best in taking care of their residents and employees. For example, Canada excels at personal freedoms, Ireland has the ideal working conditions and Spain is the highest in LGBT tolerance. But as all infographics, there are some surprised when it comes to some countries’ best skill. Who would have known that Nigeria was at the top for Scrabble players?

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