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Many people are born with unique birthmarks which are usually in an odd shape somewhere in their body. But it is not only humans who can be born with unique shaped birthmarks. Horses, too, are born with birthmarks just like humans. In fact, a particular foal is born with a very interesting birthmark. One that looks exactly like him. 

Even though it is not uncommon to find horses born with outstanding and unique birthmarks on their body, this special foal’s birthmark is quite different from all the rest. The unique mark is shaped like a horse running. The whole birthmark is on the side of the foal and all the way up to its neck. 

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The white marking perfectly suits well the foal’s chestnut fur, making it stand out more. And off course thanks to the shape, it even looks more majestic. Because of its unique artistry, the adorable chestnut foal was named Da Vinci, but also goes by the more casual nickname, Vinny. He was born Fyling Hall riding school in England.

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But despite the beautiful horse shaped birthmark, Da Vinci also has another marking on his bottom that resembles a heart shape. Making him even more special. The lucky foal has since gone viral for his unique and special markings as people found it amusing that the birthmark coincides looking like the horse himself. 

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