Adorable toddler, Locklan Samples has been blessed with a unique head of hair that cannot be tamed. His blonde locks of hair refuses to fall down like the rest, and instead they stick straight up. Almost in a sense of rockstar-level hair with his coif not responding to a comb. However, no matter what you do, it can’t be controlled. Sweet Locklan has a rare genetic condition aptly called uncombable hair syndrome (UHS).
Not many people are aware of this condition. And in fact, Locklan's own pediatrician hadn’t heard of it as well.
After Locklan’s mother, Katelyn, received a message from a stranger on Instagram asking whether her son was diagnosed with UHS, Katelyn decided to take him to see a doctor. During a visit at a specialist in Atlanta, it was confirmed that Lockland did indeed have UHS and is actually one of about 100 known cases.
For those who also didn’t know about UHS, it is a genetic abnormality which is normally found in children between the ages of 3 months and 12 years old. Their hair appear very light in colour and will come off as dry and frizzy, similar to Locklan’s hair. And as it described in the name, it can’t be combed flat. Katelyn describes the strands as having a “crimp” in them.
Katelyn has found support on the internet, ever since they received the UHS diagnosis. In order to bring more awareness of the syndrome to the world, she created an Instagram account called @uncombable_locks. With this she hopes that more people will learn of UHS and the existence thereof, and that people who also have relatable symptoms can get tested for themselves. After all, the more people who are diagnosed, the better that scientists will be able to study and understand UHS. Katelyn also wants the account to speak to a larger idea: embracing what makes us different.
“We love Locklan’s hair and truly believe it’s a blessing. Remember to be proud of what makes you stand out and of course, lead with kindness.”
Locklan’s condition has caught many people’s attention and support. “I would say that 98% of people are so kind and love it. They say he's like a little rock star. It brings a smile to peoples' faces. And right now when he's little, he loves the attention and doesn't mind it. But with both of our kids, we want to teach them to be confident in who they are, no matter what makes them different.”