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Revenge is a dish best served cold. Well, that's how the saying goes... Anyway, here are some of the funniest revenge stories out there.

It's a slippery slope, getting revenge. In fact, most of the time it's not even worth it but, occasionally, the initial transgression deserves a fat slice of it.

For instance, when a lady found out her husband was cheating on her, she gave all of his electronics, from his cell phone to his laptop, a warm bath. Another lady used their joint bank account to pay for an enormous billboard calling out her husband's infidelity for all to see.

It's not just cheaters who are on the receiving end of a bout of revenge, animals get in on that action too. When a man kicked a stray dog that got too close to him, the dog came back with his pack of pals and immediately went on the rampage, literally tearing the dude's car apart with their teeth!

Parking in a disabled parking bay when you don't need to is despicable and selfish. That's why the people who covered this one man's car in post-it notes, creatively including the disabled sign on all sides, deserve a medal.

There are these and plenty more funny revenge stories in the video by YouTuber, Be Amazed, below. So get yourself some popcorn and get ready for a good laugh!

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