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This is the World's Longest Pizza!!!

A California pizza team made the world's longest pizza and beating the world record; the world record is now held by Los Angeles, with a pizza that's 1.93 km long or - 6,333 feet long.

A Huge amount of ingredients were required to make this madness happen, it was reported that around 8,000 pounds of pizza dough were used along with 5,600 pounds of sauce and 3,600 pounds of tasty, melt-in-your-mouth-mozzarella cheese. 

The pizza was set on one of the largest scaffolding units ever produced and the final product weighed in at an impressive 7,808 kg. The professional and hardworking chefs used three industrial pizza ovens and worked for eight hours straight. The pizza ovens needed to be moved every 17 minutes by volunteers in order to cook the entire length of the record-breaking pizza.

This is pretty next level, imagine you had to eat all of this pizza, check out the Guinness World Record in real action in the video. 

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