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Video: The Best Food Critic Of 2017 2

Video: The Best Food Critic Of 2017 3

Some people use food just to get them through the day and true foodies just live for food. This guy is a true foodie and even takes the time review cooking shows. Its no Gordon Ramsay review but Kalen Allen is not afraid to speak his mind.

He is so sassy its addictive to watch. Plus, he has his own YouTube channel for reviewing basically everything and anything. It all started with cornbread as he was reviewing different types of cornbread but then it exploded from there and even caught Ellen De Generes' attention. The theatre major reviewed a cooking video on cheesecake that had everyone cracking up by the end with his sassy commentary that just tears apart the whole cooking video.

Being raised on proper soul food, Kalen is nothing short of shocked and disgusted at some of these recipes. Kalen's grandmother took over the cooking for the household when his mother got ill and was often served fried chicken, cornbread and yams. He has a passion for food and briefly considered pursuing a career as a pastry chef but decided that he preferred the performance of it all. He became famous because he just has a way of saying something that the rest of us are thinking.

Check out his reaction to the green cheesecake below. We aren't so sure it looks so appetizing either!

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