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Video: The Barista Magical Filter 4

Baristas and Bartenders always seem to have an effect on people that makes them more attractive. They say that its because they hold authority behind the bar and are forced to be a little bit extra friendly and flirty to get those extra tips. Bartenders and, well, anyone behind a counter have to be confident and not let people push them around – but still be likeable.

However, don't read too much into the compliments and playfulness of the barista because it doesn't mean that she has any further interest in the customer.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and takes it a little too far, staying behind pretending to "work" just to be able to get a chance to talk to the barista. The crushing moment when she says she has a boyfriend is enough to make anyone cringe but some things are just meant to remain a fantasy!

Check out the funny video from the guys at College Humour below.

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