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Earlier this week, a woman where on her way home thinking it is yet another normal day, only to find the total opposite when she arrived home in Hagen, Germany. The woman suddenly noticed something wasn’t right when she saw her furniture scattered left and right.  

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Her place was now literally turned into a pigsty. The woman discovered that the culprit was a wild boar who has already made himself very comfortable. The wild boar somehow managed to get inside her house, where he turned the place up side down probably on a mission looking for a snack. After some searching the snouted intruder made himself very cozy on the couch where he then took a nap.

The woman was shocked, to say the least, after seeing her messy new housemate. “She quickly closed the door and called the police,” Hagen Police wrote, describing the situation as “really unbelievable.”

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The boar’s cozy stay didn’t last for much longer. When the police arrived they were able to coax the wild boar and guide it back outside. “He found his way unharmed over a fence, back into nature.” 

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