Home / Funny / Animals / Dog Carries 30 Pound Weight Around Everywhere He Goes


Animals can sometimes get very creative when it comes to picking a toy. From stuffed animals to weird looking rocks, animals certainly know how to choose them. One very unique pup took his creativity to the next level when he chose his favourite toy. 

An amazingly confident Rottweiler named Bonzo carries 30 pounds of weight with him wherever he goes.  According to Yesenia, Bonzo's human niece, the dog apparently thinks it's a bone, or at least a lollipop. And it definitely belongs to him. 

For those worried about Bonzo's teeth, he actually has his teeth against his gums and his teeth are perfectly fine. People who say "take it from him" (laughs), why don't you take  his steel bones from him and see how far you can go?

Article Tags: Animals Toy Around Carry Weight Dog

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