Home / Funny / Viral / Mama Duck And Her Babies Escorted Safely Across Busy Road By Kind Officer


Recently in Arizona a mother duck was making her way across the road with her ducklings. Crossing several other roads before, the mother duck didn’t think much of this one. She started making her way across the street and noticed that her babies were no longer behind her.

The mother duck tried her best to get her ducklings to safety, however this road was far more busy than what she is used to. Luckily a good samaritan saw the mother duck’s hard efforts and realised that she needed to be helped.

Casey Walag said, “I saw the mama duck pacing. I looked down and saw all of her baby ducks were stuck in the turn lane of a very busy road. They couldn't hop onto the median where the mama duck was.”

You can watch the duck family get to safety here:


Walag immediately sprang to action and reached out to the police to help the desperate mother and her babies to safely. “They came fairly quickly and rescued them. Many cars slowed and yelled ‘thank you’ to the officer as he shuffled the baby ducks around the median. Traffic stopped on that other side for them to cross."

Once everyone safely managed to cross the road, he scooped them up and placed them on the sidewalk.“They walked into the grassy neighbourhood next to the street. We have a lot of ponds and water in our area, so we hoped they made it to one of them safely.”

“I was so happy they were all safe,” Walag said.

Article Tags: Viral Busy Road Safe Babies Mama Ducks

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