Home / Funny / Animals / Rescue Pig Has The Sweetest Reaction To Getting Her Very Own Pool


Sweet rescue pig named Billie, has never had the luxury of being in a pool or a mud bath before in her life. However, every thing changed when Billie arrived at Arthur’s Acres Animal Sanctuary.

Billie now has full access to her very own pool. She soon fell in love with the new adventures of water and now she can’t get enough. Billie’s dad, Todd Friedman said, “She absolutely loves it. She spends her days poolside, grazing or eating.

"Friedman, with delight, watched the 2-and-a-half-year-old Kunekune pig’s very first pool experience. From the moment she stepped in the water, Billie remained in that exact spot for “no less than three hours.” Her family had to keep checking on her to make sure she is all right, and found each time that Billie was thriving.

Even though Billie’s face lights up each time she is in the pool, there is one other place she also love to relax - the pond.  Billie might be living her best life now, but it’s Friedman who credits Billie.

Rescue Pig Has The Sweetest Reaction To Getting Her Very Own Pool 2

“She taught me a lot about forgiveness. She has every right to be angry, spending the beginning of her life in a wet, dark, cold basement. She loves everyone — and I mean everyone. She is so positive and really does not let anything bother her.”

Article Tags: Animals Sun Pool Pond Water Pig Rescue

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