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Some dogs have the weirdest liking in in some of the most unexpected things. Take adorable golden retriever named Darrel as proof. This sweet rescue pup and hockey superstar loves nothing more than to knock his “puck” into a goal on the first shot. Hailey Adair, Darrel’s mom even explained just how smart the sweet hockey lover is. “He is always eager to learn new tricks and thinks outside of the box,” She said, adding that “Sometimes he’s a little too smart for his own good!"

It turns out the adorable 3-year-old pup knows more than just a normal few tricks. According to Adair, Darrel has mastered a fee interesting tricks including skateboarding, turning lights on or off, retrieving his mom’s credit card to “pay for it” and opening doors.

Hockey-Loving Dog Is So Proud After He Scores a Goal 2

However Darrel’s best trick which he is always most proud of, is knocking his “puck” ball into the goal with one shot. The hockey lover is all geared up with his own hockey set which includes a cup to shoot his “puck” into and even stuffed animal goalies to keep it real.

“Every afternoon, I ask if he wants to play hockey. If he takes the stick, we play. Some days, he is in the mood for something else. He calls the shots — literally."

Adair rescued Darrel through Pronto Puppy, who showcased his talents. She immediately knew that Darrel had found his home with her. Now Darrel is living out his best loved life with Adair and her family and having all the room to take on any new trick he pleases. Another love for Darrel is joining his mom at her work at the Washington chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. He even participates in Adair’s work events to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association with “messages from Darrel” and livestreams.

Adair explained that, “When all of us were sent home due to quarantine, he gave me a focus; someone to care for and someone to bond through training. I started working on hockey with him to see what he would do with the stick, and within a few days, he was hitting the ball and smiling from ear to ear!”

Although hockey is just a “passion,” it really helped to strengthen Darrel and Adair’s bond. “Darrel is a one-of-a-kind dog. He loves all animals, including his guinea pig brothers and other dogs. But [he] especially loves people. He’s the kind of dog that lights up the room as soon as he walks in.”

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