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Video: Chrissy Metz Admits To Being Abused By Stepfather 3

Video: Chrissy Metz Admits To Being Abused By Stepfather 4

This Is Us star Chrissy Metz hasn't always been the shining glam star we have come to love and, similar to her character in the series, she has had some major struggles with her body which she opened up about in People magazine.

At the tender age of 8, her father left her family, leaving her mother to raise Chrissy and her siblings by herself. After a few years, her mother met and married a man named Trigger which wasn't the kind of fairytale redemption story Chrissy had hoped for. Trigger was always openly offended by Chrissy's body, often making cruel jabs at her weight. Chrissy said that she began to use food as a source of happiness and relished food as her family often had little food when they didn't have any money.

As Chrissy's cravings got worse so did Trigger's abuse, eventually she tried to sneak food into the house and eat it when no one was watching but the weight gain was still visible. This was around the time that Trigger started to abuse her. Punching, slapping and shoving the teenager.

At 14 years old, Trigger used to force her to get onto the scale to monitor her weight, she even recounted: "He’d get the scale from the bathroom and clang it hard on the kitchen floor. ‘Well, get on the damn thing!’, Trigger would yell. ‘This is what you need to know.’"

She must be one insanely strong woman because she still manages to maintain a relationship with him, saying it is because he was the only father-figure in her life and provided for their family.

Hopefully, her success will inspire others with similar struggles to keep going.

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