Home / Funny / Viral / Dad Comforts Dog By Getting His Own 'Cone Of Shame' To Show Support


Sweet Ollie is a very good dog with a very good support system- his family. And his dad is his biggest supporter and friend who goes the extra mile to show Ollie he cares. 

Ollie recently got a minor surgery which left him with a few stitches. And to ensure the wound heals up soon and good and to prevent Ollie from licking his wounds and causing infection, the pup had to be fitted with a protective collar/cone, also known as the “cone of shame”. 

Dad Comforts Dog By Getting His Own 'Cone Of Shame' To Show Support 2

And off course, sweet Ollie wasn’t to accepting of his new accessory at first. Alex, Ollie’s owner, said, “Ollie was just really sad with the cone on. He just moped around and was feeling really sorry for himself.” But seeing the poor pup down in the dumbs about having to wear the cone of shame, Alex’s dad, who is also Ollie’s best friend, decided to get a cone for himself and try to ease the pups mind about the unfortunate circumstances. He found another cone the family had in storage and put it on himself.

 Alex went to find Ollie and her dad, but came across the sweetest moment between the two. “I just laughed and called my mum to come and see, too,” Alex said. That wasn’t the only people this act seemed to cheer up. “Ollie definitely seemed a little happier.”

 Fortunately for the pup and his biggest supporter, the cones were only temporary and did came off soon enough. Ollie’s stitches was removed after some time and the vet gave the  OK for the "cone of shame” to come off for both Alex's dad and Ollie. 

We can’t help but notice that Alex’s dad and supporter is the hero of the story. His empathetic actions have helped Ollie to feel better about the circumstances and help his recovery along. 

"Ollie's doing great. His stitches have healed nicely. They’re both cone-free now. Ollie only had to wear it for a week. My dad only lasted a few hours!"

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