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One morning on his way to work, Talian Barros who resides in Roraima, Brazil, came across something very unexpected while driving his motorcycle. Something very large caught his eye in the road, but he wasn’t quite sure what it was at first.“I thought it was a piece of wood or a tire,” said Barros.

But, nature can have very unexpected surprises from time to time, and it turns out that this was one of them. After some closer inspection it became clear that it was something far more beautiful than a tyre.

Getting closer to the mysterious object, Barros discovered the surprising truth as he slowed down to take a better look. It was actually an enormous anaconda, emerging from the surrounding bushed. The anaconda was trying to make his way across the busy road. And off course Barros decided to lend the huge fellow a hand. 

He parked his bike in the road and alerted other oncoming drivers to stop as well, fearing that the beautiful giant snake might be run over.“My concern was for the animal’s well-being. It was kind of irresponsible to stop in the road, but I don’t regret it.”

Barros, along with many other people he was able to flag down, stopped and watched the magnificent creature cross the road safely and free of distress.  After a few majestic moments, the anaconda completed her crossing disappearing once again into the safety of the brush.

Guy Stops Traffic To Protect Enormous Snake Crossing The Road 2

The anaconda was estimated to be about 18 feet long. Fun facts about anacondas (eunectes murinus, which means good swimmers) is that they only live around 10 years in the wild, and are much slower on land than in water. Anacondas are efficient swimmers and can reach a speed of about 10 mph (16.1 kmh) in water. On land, they can move at about 5 mph (8 kmh). And another fun fact, which will definitely sooth all fears especially after watching the thriller movie, Anaconda, there have been no documented cases of an Anaconda eating a human. What a relief.

And thanks to Barros watching out for this beauty, she was protected from danger to keep on living her days peacefully. She might have been an imposing sight, but Barros couldn’t help but feel lucky to have crossed her path.

“I wasn’t scared. In fact, I was euphoric, happy to be humbled by that animal. She was beautiful — a gift.”

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