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Once again South Africa has taken the award for having the dumbest criminals. We all have seen several videos of criminals who did not think everything through (or who just lacks common sense to tell the truth).

Recently a Durban man got the award for being SA's dumbest criminal. After attempting to steal a car he broke into, he decided to first take a quick nap in his ‘new car’. Which the owner is probably super happy about. It is important to get your needed rest, even during a robbery. 

The owner of the car alerted KZN VIP Protection Services by activating the panic alarm in Palmview, Durban. KZN VIP spokesperson Romano Naidoo said, ”There was one male in the vehicle. Upon arrival, KZN VIP apprehended the suspect who was found sleeping in the passenger seat of a VW. The owner said he left his property to enter his vehicle and noticed the man asleep in the passenger seat. SAPS was dispatched and the suspect was handed over.”

SA dumbest criminals? Including Robber Who Falls Asleep On The Job 2

The tools that the suspect used to get into the car were found at the scene and a case of breaking into a motor vehicle was opened. The Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala said "A 35-year-old man was arrested for attempted theft of a motor vehicle and possession of car breaking implements. He is appearing today in the Verulam Magistrate's Court." 

But wait there is more. Another unintelligent robber found himself locked inside the business premises which he tried to rob. Unlucky for him, he was later caught inside with all the stolen goods in his possession. Well, at least he did not get very far. This incident happened in the Verulam CBD in KwaZulu-Natal. Arrive Alive caught eye of the incident and said, ”While on patrol on Moss Street, members of Reaction Unit South Africa noticed an individual being assaulted by six men at a supermarket. The owner of the supermarket explained that shortly after he had opened up his business, he found the suspect hiding inside the store behind several bales of chips. He and his employees apprehended the suspect and upon searching him discovered R50,000 in cash and R30,000 worth of airtime shrink wrapped around his body."

The shop owner found no sign of forced entry into the shop, which led to believe that the criminal snuck in just before closing time and hid somewhere. 

Take a look at the video of some of the dumbest criminals in South Africa. 

The next video, well one can’t help but sit mouth and eyes wide open watching it. This suspect really tried to steal AGAIN, while being booked in by a South African Police Officer. 

It is usually said that the person who thought of the crime and committed it, is the mastermind behind the plan. Well, looking at this, I will definitely reconsider saying that. But hey, welcome to South Africa's dumbest criminals. 

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